Spring Snooze, Summer Slumber

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Calming treatments, dreamy results

Holistic Skin Care

6 Tips for Better Sleep…

1- Be consistent – Wake and go to bed at the same time every day. Avoid naps during the day until your sleep is regular.

2- Exercise to improve sleep quality
-It improves deep sleep, the stage where breathing and heart rate slows, necessary hormones are produced, and your brain cleanses itself while organizing memories.

Spring Snooze, Summer Slumber 1

3- Stay cool
Your body temperature needs to drop by about 2 degrees to fall asleep and stay asleep. Aim for a bedroom temperature around 65F at night.

4- Skip that second cuppa
Stop caffeine by noon & try eating your last meal or snack by 7pm

5- Turn off the screens about an hour before bed each night.

6- Reinforce the connection between bed and sleep If you’re lying in bed for hours not sleeping, go to a different room and read or listen to music until you are sleepy again. (for more, check out Sleep is your superpower)

If your sleep has been inconsistent for some time, Acupuncture can encourage deep relaxation by calming your nervous system
and improving blood flow to the extremities.
It’s one of many ways to restore peaceful slumber.